Covid19. Keeping your office clean and disinfected.  

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Times have changed and is forcing us to adapt. In the workplace, it means for some to work from home while others must still show up to office areas with coworkers and sometimes with the general public. Having a clean and disinfected office or work space has become more than a trend, a necessity

We have to cooperate with each other and realize that we are all on the same earth. Our responsibility to society and our families is to do our part to stop giving this virus the opportunity to infect more of us. 

Among the recommendations to slow down the pandemic are to assume every fomite may be infected therefore wash your hands often. Also, reduce the chance of contagion by sanitizing every item you buy or receive in the mail, using a face mask if available, avoid crowds or parties, leaving shoes outside your door, limiting the people that enter home, office or vehicle to only those absolutely necessary.

 It is equally important to stay home, keep social distancing and, if needing to go outside, stay apart  at least six feet from each other. Thankfully we are living in the communication age. It is easy, normal to keep in touch with co-workers or loved ones through computers, cell phones and so on.

Cleaning and disinfecting your office is not rocket science. Start by using globes and goggles and getting ready your tools such as vacuum, rugs or microfiber cloths, spray bottle, toilet brush and sanitizing solutions. Using Clorox is the most common and inexpensive way to disinfect your floors and furnishings. 

You want to start from the top to the bottom.

  • Organize your office for easy cleaning.
  • Use your broom, duster or vacuum extension to remove dust and webs from all high, low corners, window sills and door frames.
  • Wipe clean your furnishings, walls, sills and frames to remove dust if any.
  • Vacuum floors including all low corners and hard to reach areas.
  • To sanitize it, use a misting bottle to spray everything with disinfectant. Let it sit for at least a couple of minutes. 
  • Spray your cleaner disinfectant onto a rug  and start wiping your furniture, electronics, cabinets and so on. Do the same to doors, windows and walls. Wash or replace your cloth as needed.
  • In kitchens or lunchrooms and restrooms do the same, but use a new rug or cloth for each area. Use your disinfecting solution to wipe clean counters, sink, appliances, glass, cabinets, walls, toilet inside and out.
  • Use disinfectant to mop your hard floors too.
  • Last, disinfect your tools before storing it.

In the links below you can find useful information about this pandemic along with a list of EPA approved disinfectants in case you choose not to use clorox or bleach.

Now you know how to keep your space sanitized and disinfected. If you rather have us do it for you or feel that a professional should disinfect your office, call us.

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