Post construction cleaning service

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Post construction cleaning service:

Post-construction cleaning is a cleaning service done to new or renovated buildings. From the word itself, “post-construction,” it is understood that this cleaning is done after the construction part. A construction contractor may do a general cleaning of debris, but detailed cleaning is not part of their job anymore.

post construction cleaning

Have you recently finished a home improvement project and find yourself left with a mess? Home construction can be stressful enough without having to deal with the post-job mess it leaves behind. Corporateclean LLC’s post-construction clean-up services will help your house make the transition from construction site to homestead.

We offer a variety of services and programs that can conquer all your post-construction needs. Whether it’s a quick tidying up or a more detailed, thorough deep clean, our cleaning pros have the experience, tools, and processes that will leave your home looking like nothing ever happened.

Post construction cleaning service-Our services include:

  1. Remove dust, dirt, smudges, and scuffs from walls
  2. Dust all surfaces, woodwork, and fixtures, including ceiling fans
  3. Clean trim, baseboards, window frames, and door frames
  4. Clean interior masonry
  5. Remove stickers from windows and glass
  6. Clean window blinds, inside cabinets, and inside closets

The Advantages of- Post Construction Cleaning Services:

Save Time


Instead of spending the time looking for the right cleaning products and materials, finding employees to do the job, and not being guaranteed that the clean-up will be done efficiently and effectively, spend that time continuing to do your actual job. Corporateclean LLC  promises a detailed and complete cleaning done in a timely manner to let you continue on with your work.

Proper Disposal

Disposing of waste materials from a construction site isn’t as easy you may think. One is not able to just toss the junk into any given trash can. There are rules and regulations in place to prevent this and without the proper knowledge of local regulations, you’re likely to get in trouble with the law and receive a hefty fine for dumping. Instead of pulling a mission in the dead of night, just let the professionals handle it. We know where the proper areas for disposal are and are happy to do it!

Save Money

While you might think that doing the job yourself will save you and your company money, the opposite is actually the case. When taking into account the money you will spend on cleaning supplies, insuring your workers AND providing them with extra money to do something outside of their job description, and the time spent cleaning instead of making money for the company, you’ll come out of the project with less money and more of a headache than you would had you just hired our professionals in the first place.



After the construction workers have finished the job, some of the debris and materials left behind can be sharp and pose a serious safety concern for you or your employees if you decide to do it on your own. Our professionals are not only insured for the job but have the knowledge and experience to get it done efficiently and safely. Not only that, but we will also be sure to clean up the site with no damage done to the new workplace.


Post-construction cleaning Service-Corporateclean LLC

Hiring us for your post-construction cleaning not only saves you time and money, but will also relieve you from the stress of the job. Let the professionals get it done while you focus on your work. If you’re interested in our cleaning services, whether it be in post-construction, residential, commercial, or more, be sure to contact us today to hire the best cleaning services in Texas  areas.

We have the tools to make sure your home is ready to move into as soon as possible after a construction project. They do not just clear the surfaces of dirt and dust. Post-construction cleaning services also pull the debris out of the air to keep your family safe and to stop your HVAC vents from clogging. Service Corporateclean LLC can be onsite quickly so you can have your home back faster.



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