Office Move-out cleaning services

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Office Move-out cleaning services:

A clean office is an efficient office when your office is organized and items are filed and in the appropriate places, your office is a much more productive place. There are no distractions, and you are not stopping to clean trashcans or wipe down desks and make a much better impression on both staff and clients. Al clean office demonstrates that you care about your work and your business and makes for a healthier, happier work place.

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When you are thinking of moving out soon or if your lease end is getting near, you need to prepare for massive cleaning operations so you can get 100% of your bond back. Cleaning your office can be a breeze when you rely to professional cleaners.

Move-out Cleaning Services:

Now that the rooms are empty (or nearly empty), it’s time to make your home or apartment look even better than it did when you first moved in. Many apartment and house contracts require a “broom-clean” while others call for a detailed checklist that covers everything from the stove to the baseboards.

Services included on our standard move-out cleaning checklist may include:

  • Vacuum and sweep all floors
  • Wipe down baseboards
  • Scrub shower and bathtub
  • Scrub toilets
  • Clean sinks and countertops
  • Clean kitchen appliances
  • Dust everything

Corporate Clean LLC can handle most, if not all, of the items on your checklist. Well take care of the move-out cleaning so you can focus on your move. Need help on the other side too? Learn more about our move-in cleaning services.

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If you own a big office space that spans a few floors, please inform us in advance so we can go over your place and do an initial inspection. We always give upfront pricing so you can arrange necessary paper works (if any) and plan your budget ahead of time.


All carpets in your office will be either vacuumed or steam cleaned with disinfectant. We only use cleaning and carpet solutions that are environment friendly without any health risks. We will make sure that all carpets are dry and clean after our cleaning is finished. For non-carpeted floors, we will sweep and mop.


Each work desks and cubicles assigned to employees have different conditions at the end of lease. We will not be liable of any broken furnitures or fixtures, including the desks. Our cleaners will wipe and disinfect the desks, chairs, cabinets and etc.


All guest areas, lounges and receiving areas will be spick-and-span by our expert cleaners. We will steam clean sofas and disinfect all chairs, shelves and side tables. The receiving counter (if any) will be wiped and thoroughly to restore its shine and be ready for the next tenant.


Depending on whether you have rented out a furnished office space, Move Out Cleaning Huston will wipe the microwave, fridge, chairs and tables.


Similarly to our other moving out cleaning, our team will clean walls and floor tiles. All toilets will be cleaned. Taps and sinks will be wiped to full extent as well so it will look tidy for the next tenant.

2012 The Leo Burnett Office Interior Design by HASSELL Architecture Images and Gallery 1

Office Move-out cleaning services-Corporate Cleanusa LLC:

If construction has left you wiped out, you can trust the professionals to handle all after-move-out cleaning. offers move-out cleaning services. Book move-out cleaning services through our convenient online booking system and enjoy your new renovated home.

How much does a move-out cleaning service from Corporatecleanusa? It all depends on the size of your home or apartment and the condition it’s in. Feel free to contact us so we can discuss the details of your move-out cleaning.

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