Office Cleaning Services For Hybrid Work Schedules

A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Professional Office Janitorial Cleaning Services
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Office Cleaning Services For Hybrid Work Schedules:

The pandemic has shifted everyone’s routine to work toward keeping the community, especially employees, safe from getting sick. With the launch of the vaccine, masking, and social distancing practices in mind, the latest in innovative work ideas comes the hybrid work schedule that many offices have adopted. Hybrid work schedules are a way of letting your employees join the workspace again in person, with a safe amount of people at a time, in addition to keeping everyone six feet apart. Masks and social distancing are typically required in the office, but it’s also the job of the business owner to make sure the building stays sanitary and up to standard for this new hybrid work system.

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When you need office cleaning services, rely on our team of professionals. Corporate Clean LLC can provide you with top-quality cleaning services. Our office cleaning company is ready to assist you in getting your team back to the workplace. Additionally, we provide state-of-the-art CDC and OSHA-compliant routine commercial cleaning and disinfecting services. Since the beginning of the outbreak, Corporate Clean LLC are proud to have partnered with over 12,000 businesses and provided detailed deep cleaning, sanitation.


Cleaning Your Office-For Hybrid Work Schedules

While sitting at a desk over sustained stretches of time, we do a lot more than just work. We chew, sneeze, cough, touch and spill – day after day. It’s no wonder that home offices quickly become a microbial zoo. On top of the germs lies the clutter and mess from our busy lives that needs to be organized and cleaned.


Use a damp microfiber cloth to wipe down all surfaces. Remove your papers, file folders, calendars, stapler and other objects so you can wipe down your desk. Don’t overlook areas like power strips behind your desk, fan blades, window sills, the top of your monitor or the tops of picture frames.


Work top to bottom. You should alternate between the upholstery brush, narrow attachment, and carpet attachment to thoroughly vacuum each and every surface on your desk and in your office. Pay attention to the areas you dusted, and vacuum up any loose dust the cloth didn’t capture.


Sitting at our desks, we do lots and lots of touching, creating new micro-bacteria colonies with each keystroke, mouse click and phone call. Disinfect that mouse and office phone: the keypad, headset, mouthpiece, the whole thing.


Put a reminder on your calendar to clean and organize your desk weekly or bi-weekly. A cleaning routine will make it easier next time. Even better, keep disinfectant wipes near your desk so you can give everything a quick wipe-down between cleaning days.

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Maintaining Cleanliness Is Between Appointments

Make sure your employees are within a germ-free environment by maintaining your office. Corporate Clean LLC provides recurring commercial cleaning services, however, it is crucial to keep up with the services we provide by cleaning and sanitizing in between appointments. A few handy tips we suggest include:


  1. Hand sanitizing stations
  2. Cleaning wipes and disinfectant spray
  3. Social distancing
  4. Masking

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Provide your employees with hand sanitizer, as well as cleaning wipes or disinfectant sprays so germs don’t spread to their coworkers who come in on a hybrid schedule. When you choose Corporate Clean LLC, you choose trained professionals who know how to properly reduce the spread of germs. By using Green Seal Certified products that contain non-toxins and low VOCs, we are able to create a healthy workspace for your employees and guests.
A safe and sanitary office building will help your company transition to hybrid or coworking schedules. Learn more about our commercial office cleaning services by contacting your local Corporate Clean LLC today.


Office Cleaning Services For Hybrid Work Schedules-Corporate Clean LLC

At the end of the day, it is important to have all of the supplies and equipment you need to work in your office, but it is also essential to make sure that all of those things are in good shape, and that the space itself feels clean and cared for. Follow the above best office cleaning checklist to make sure you stay on top of everything you need to or hire a professional commercial cleaning service like Corporate Clean LLC. Our team of janitorial service experts will make sure that every important part of your office is in great shape and facilitate a work environment that feels great to work in.


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