Best coating for virgin Vinyl Tile Floors

Best coating for virgin Vinyl Tile Floors
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Best coating for virgin Vinyl Tile Floors:

For those who are unaware, virgin vinyl is 100% pure and is occasionally referred to as first-generation vinyl. Ethylene and chlorine are the synthetic materials used to make vinyl. But even this high-quality vinyl is cheap to produce, which is why all vinyl goods are both reasonably priced and durable.

On the surface, recycled vinyl appears to be less expensive than virgin material, but this is not the whole story. In actuality, installing vinyl involves more expenses than just the cost of the plank.

Due to the fact that screeding and gluing contribute significantly to the overall cost per square meter, it is not financially advantageous to go through this process only to have to redo it much sooner than if Virgin Vinyl had been used.

It’s important to keep in mind that many of the typical benefits of vinyl, such as its waterproofness, durability, and dimensional stability, are lost the moment PVC and other materials are combined.

Recycled vinyl wears and degrades more quickly because it is less consistent, which makes it less predictable. Recycled vinyl is also more likely to shrink or ripple, so with repeated use, it will distort much more quickly.


Best coating for virgin Vinyl Tile Floors

For more than ten years, schools have effectively used NeverStrip Gloss, a high-performance water-based urethane coating, on their wooden gymnasium floors. Instead of every 12 months, the recoat cycle has been every five years.

Neverstrip water based urethane

Always remove water basedUrethane is a two-component, ultra high solids aliphatic polyurethane coating that is resistant to chemicals. It is a low volatile organic compound (VOC) urethane that satisfies all national and state environmental air quality regulations. Excellent stain, chemical, and abrasion resistance are provided by the high gloss or satin finish. It is perfect for concrete walls and floors in applications such as vehicle maintenance facilities, animal housing, airplane hangars, storage facilities, and warehouses.


Why does NeverStrip last 5 years?

Simply put, “conventional water-based and oil-based urethanes,” which are extensively utilized in schools, are inferior to The NeverStrip product. A better performing film is created by the two-part catalyzed reaction of this floor coating.

A decade of expertise

After utilizing NeverStrip GlossTM for ten years, Ed Middleton, Facility Director of Nazareth Academy in LaGrange, IL, recently shared his opinions on the best floor coatings.

in the gymnasium of the school.

Ed said:

“The NeverStrip product has performed admirably in severe winter conditions involving snow and salt. Since we began using this floor coating more than ten years ago, we have not experienced any issues.

Up until recently, the 850-student high school with 364 days of instruction annually had just one facility: the gym.

Coaches and players of basketball adore the traction. Not as much for volleyball players, as it makes it harder for them to slide.

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Best coating for virgin Vinyl Tile Floors-

Wax before recoating

Working the wax into the surface, apply it lightly and evenly (as directed on the package). (Use paste wax’s liquid equivalent if you prefer soft wax.) The waxed surface will appear foggy as it dries. Using a fresh towel, an electric polisher, or a sponge mop covered in terry cloth, buff the surface to a high sheen.

Finishing or waxing your floor gives it protection, a non-slip surface, and a lovely sheen. You can achieve a long-lasting, gorgeous surface as long as you apply it correctly and don’t mind touching up the wax once or twice a year. While waxing used to involve rubbing a paste into the floor while on your hands and knees, most people these days opt for a no-buff wax that can be easily mopped.


Importance of workmanship in coating

For your tanks and equipment to be protected over time, high-quality coatings are crucial. Preparing the surface is the first step towards that protection. Without it, your equipment is susceptible to a variety of impairments that can happen in a manufacturing, commercial, or industrial setting, such as corrosion, abrasions, and thermal damage.

To guarantee the best results, we suggest selecting a contractor with experience and knowledge of the necessary methods.

Your equipment may deteriorate or fail early as a result of poor craftsmanship. Any company that relies on high-quality surface coatings must be aware of the warning indications of inadequate surface preparation.

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Choosing the Right Coating for Your Application|Corporate Clean LLC

We at Corporate Clean LLC are dedicated to providing you with the optimal coating for your needs. Although specific treatment may be needed for some applications, most of the time one of our standard surface coatings will work perfectly for you. For your most difficult applications, Corporate Clean LLC’s comprehensive platform of coating solutions offers a wide range of surface properties:

The recommendation process entails hearing about the application and needs of the customer, sending coating samples, conducting testing and evaluation at the customer’s and Corporate Clean LLC’s locations, offering technical advice on coating and process optimization, scheduling site visits, and more.

Depending on the application and the needs of the customer, choosing a coating can take months or just a few minutes of consideration. Technical know-how and coating are combined in the Corporate Clean LLC service experience.


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