Retirement home care facility cleaning

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Retirement home care facility cleaning:

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In retirement homes, senior centers and assisted-living facilities, ensuring the comfort of residents is an important priority. Older adults deserve to spend their golden years in a place they can be proud of — and when you invest in regular building maintenance and cleaning, that’s exactly what you provide them with. Not only is a clean, well-maintained building important for minimizing overhead costs, it’s also something that will inspire confidence in your organization.

Corporate Clean LLC specializes in building cleaning and maintenance for all commercial facilities. We work with a number of leading healthcare throughout Texas.

Retirement home care facility cleaning-What We Do

Building maintenance and repair is a broad field. Here are some of the most popular services we offer for retirement communities:

Glass Cleaning: 

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In both low-rises and larger complexes, our team can keep windows looking beautiful and clear. Call us today to learn more about ongoing window cleaning services for your Central PA retirement facility with Corporatecleanusa!

Building Maintenance:

Regardless of your facility type, it is important to ensure that the quality of the structures, both public and private, are maintained. Whether a government funded apartment complex tower, or a private, gated community of small homes and buildings, we have the expertise and skill to handle all your building maintenance needs. From difficult to reach atriums and windows, to dirty or damaged façades – our custom services are sure to be well worth the investment.

Retirement home care facility cleaning Essentials: 5 Must-Have Services


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1. Power Washing-Retirement home care facility cleaning

Both the interior and exterior walls of your retirement community must be free of dirt, scratches, and stains. Power washing is recommended to be completed quarterly or more frequently if your retirement community is located in an area with severe weather. By speaking with an expert, it will be possible to schedule power washing appointments in advance in order to avoid forgetting to schedule them and having the appearance of your retirement community suffer as a result.


2. Cleaning of Gym And Outdoor Sporting Areas

Depending on whether your retirement community is mainly intensive care or a property that allows seniors to live in their own dwellings, it may have a fitness center or other outdoor sporting areas. It is wise to keep these areas clean so that your current residents can enjoy them on a regular basis.

Prospective residents also want to see a clear picture of what their quality of life would be while residing in your community. Having the fitness center and outdoor sporting areas looking their absolute best will attract many more residents to your retirement community.

3. Kitchen/Dining Area Cleaning

The kitchen/dining area is one of the most important areas of your retirement community. The tables in the dining area must be spotless so that seniors feel comfortable having their meals there. The kitchen must also be clean enough so that it is safe to prepare the meals for your residents. There are required health codes that will vary depending on the state where your retirement community is located.

Be sure to utilize a cleaning provider who is well-informed about the current health code regulations. This way, you ensure that your kitchen/dining area is up to the required legal standards. Failure to do so could subject your retirement community to legal liability in the future.

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4. Cleaning of Resident Rooms

Retirement communities have many different structures. Some retirement communities will have more of a hospital arrangement and others will have separate private apartments where their residents live that are close to a nursing station. In order for your residents to have a high quality of life, they need to have frequent cleanings of their rooms.

Some retirement communities prefer to have weekly or bi-weekly cleanings. These services are very helpful, particularly if the resident is unable to clean their room without additional assistance. In addition, regular cleaning or resident rooms helps to prevent the spread of germs in the retirement community, which should be one of the top priorities of the retirement community’s management team.

Be sure to ask any cleaning provider what kinds of cleaning products they will be using and whether those products are healthy for residents in order to have the best possible relationship with residents.


5. Preventative Cleaning-Retirement home care facility cleaning

Individuals who are cleaning your retirement community should be looking for signs of other costly maintenance issues. For example, if the texture of a wall has changed or there is a stain likely from water damage, the cleaning team should notify your community so a proper expert can come promptly. By doing so, your cleaning team may also help you to catch costly repairs before substantial damage has been caused.

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Retirement home care facility cleaning-Corporate Clean LLC

Retirement community cleaning is a worthwhile expense. It pays to let professionals do a perfect job of looking after your retirement facilities. Corporate Clean LLC has a great deal of experience assisting with cleaning and maintenance for retirement communities. Call us for a quote today.


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